
WordPress Website Security Attacks You Need To Know

WordPress Website Security Attacks You Need To Know
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Being an open-source content management system, WordPress is always vulnerable to security attacks. Since you can optimize and customize it endlessly, cyber attackers will always find ways to get to your table. Common Vulnerability Score has reported that 8 out of 10 WordPress websites have medium or high-security risks. Various techniques are designed to prevent these attacks and keep your website safe; however, you should understand what these attacks are in the first place. This post will reveal the WP website security attacks you need to know. Keep walking with us to learn more!

Common WordPress Website security attacks:

Security threats to any website are inevitable, but you can place measures to keep attackers away. You will never fill all the gaps as the online community is vast enough; however, you can do the basics. Understanding the common website security attacks is essential if you run a WP website, as they may happen repeatedly. Here is a detailed overview of these security attacks you need to remember!

1. Brute-force attack:

A brute-force attack is the most common on the list, and website owners often encounter it. Bad actors like hackers often try this method to enter a website and steal the data. In this attack, hackers attempt to guess the login information of a WP website by utilizing automatic password generators. Despite having a little chance of success, a brute-force attacker can still find luck and penetrate your website security wall.

The basic defense against this attack? Use strong passwords for all your accounts! It would be best to generate strong passwords and don’t let the bad actors guess them easily. Brute-force attackers have little chance of success, but one must never ignore the possibility!

2. Cross-site scripting (XSS):

Cross-site scripting XSS is a hacking technique where the user injects a bad/malicious code into web pages,and visitors will see it. User input is the bad end in this process, and your visitors will never visit your site again, increasing your bounce rate. An XSS attack can hurt your website functionality and extract sensitive information without letting you know.

You would probably think about the basic defense against this attack which is quite simple. You need nothing but to filter user input as you receive it. The stricter the filtration process based on the valid input, the lesser the chances of an XSS attack. Do you want to add impenetrable security to your website? Consider purchasing a hosting plan from reliable web hosting companies!

3. SQL Injection:

Unsanitized user input can also hurt your website’s functionality by injecting malicious SQL statements. WordPress websites are more prone to these attacks as the visitors’ flow is relatively high on these websites. The higher the visitors’ flow, the higher the chances of SQL injection.

Cyber attackers often use SQL injection to extract sensitive information and tamper with the data of a WP site. Scanning your website for SQL injection vulnerabilities can help keep this problem at bay. You can use online tools to detect this problem and take safety measures to stay on the safer side.

4. Denial of service (DDoS) attack:

Do your online visitors complain about website inaccessibility or unavailability? It is probably due to a DDoS attack. Distributed denial of services will send online traffic from various sources to your website, affecting your network speed. The DDoS attack is probably the most common and recurring problem for website owners, but it is avoidable. If your network connection is overwhelmed, your visitors will frown at it.

Basic defense? A high-end content delivery network (CDN) can help you prevent these attacks. WordPress website owners should abide by this rule as nothing else will help you with this problem. Do you want to host your website on a secure site to avoid website attacks? Consider contacting the best web hosting companies in Dubai!

5. Phishing:

Another scam cyber attackers often use is phishing, where they impersonate a legitimate company, typically through email. The targeted website provides sensitive information in response to the email; hence, hackers use that information for login purposes. Moreover, they can also use the information to hack or commit fraud.

Installing spam filters is the best way to avoid and detect these malicious emails. They can detect unwanted emails and prevents them from reaching your inbox. Moreover, if you ever receive an email like this, avoid responding to it.

Add More Security to Your Website with Web Hosting!

Web hosting is fast penetrating the industry, and website owners accept it. These platforms can add value and security to your website should you connect with the right company. The associated perks like SSL certificates, updated security plugins, and firewalls will help you stay away from website attacks. Consider contacting reliable web hosting companies to add value to your website and keep the hackers away!

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